
A Little about Divorce

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Sourced From: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/divorce-grownups/200911/the-six-signals-divorce

Couples cannot be perfect to the very sense of the word, nobody is perfect after all. However, there are some mistakes that people make prior as well as all the way into marriage life that usually takes marriages down. If a marriage lacks proper communication,  couples come with high expectations into the affair and lack of putting efforts to keep the marriage life going are detrimental to any marriage.

Sourced From: http://divorcesupport.about.com/od/isdivorcethesolution/a/Three-Major-Causes-Of-Divorce.htm

Sourced From: http://www.today.com/health/10-tips-preventing-divorce-I283608

Divorce shouldn’t be Ugly

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Do you remember the day of your proposal? How it was so jubilant and serene? So why do you have to make your divorce an ugly issue? No one gets married with the hope in mind that they will be divorced but life happens. People do go their separate ways but this is not an excuse to go hard on the woman who said yes to you or the man who chose you to be theirs.